University updates COVID protocols, resources


宾州大学公园. – Now well into the fourth year of the COVID-19 pandemic, 联邦政府已经解除了全国公共卫生紧急状态,疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)已经从紧急公共卫生状态转变为建议个人健康预防措施. As it has from the beginning of the pandemic, Penn State will continue to 遵循CDC的指导 on COVID-19, 大学官员敦促bck体育官网社区的所有成员采取建议的预防措施,以保持自己和他人的健康.

“The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 is still circulating, 我们将继续看到感染人数和传播率的起伏, but we have overcome so many of the challenges we faced early on in this pandemic,Kelly Wolgast说, associate teaching professor and assistant dean for Outreach & Professional Development in the Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, who led the university’s COVID-19 Operations Control Center (COCC) for three years. “Affordable tests are readily available, 几乎每家药房和医疗机构都有安全有效的疫苗和增强剂, there are effective treatments, 我们知道,在出现症状时采取掩盖措施,每天采取个人健康和卫生预防措施,可以有效减缓COVID-19的传播. With these tools and knowledge, we have been able to safely come back together and resume normal behaviors.”

While the COCC discontinued operations after June 30, Penn State will continue to provide support and resources for students, faculty and staff to prevent and recover from COVID-19, but there are important changes for the community to be aware of.

If you feel sick or test positive

“One thing that is not changing, and most likely never will, is the guidance to stay home and away from others if you are sick,沃尔加斯特说. “这是减缓COVID-19和所有其他传染病传播的最重要因素.”

Individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19 should 遵循CDC的指导 for masking, testing and isolation, as needed.

检测呈阳性的人应在家隔离至少5天,如果他们没有症状或症状有所改善,并且至少24小时不发烧,可以在第6天结束隔离. 第10天在室内与他人接触时应继续佩戴高质量口罩. 在第5天之后仍有症状的个体应继续隔离,直到他们至少24小时不发烧并且症状有所改善. Those who are still symptomatic after 10 days should seek medical attention.


Students who test positive should report their results via email to (电子邮件保护) and Contact Tracing will provide them with their isolation dates via email. 住在校外的学生应在家中进行自我隔离,并在与室友相处时戴上合适的口罩. Students living on campus are encouraged to isolate at home, 如果可能的话, as on-campus isolation space specifically for COVID-19 is no longer available. 学校将帮助那些无法回家的学生,让他们尽可能安全地隔离自己. 将向住在校园宿舍的学生提供有关隔离的额外指导.

检测呈阳性的教职员工应该呆在家里,并像对待其他疾病一样通知他们的主管. 症状和工作职责允许的个人可以继续远程工作,也可以根据需要使用累积的病假.

Instructor notification

With the elimination of on-campus isolation space specifically for COVID-19, the university is no longer communicating students' isolation status to instructors. 如果由于确诊的COVID-19病例而不得不错过课堂和/或实验室相关活动,学生应直接与教师沟通,强烈建议他们与教师分享接触者追踪提供的隔离日期.


Penn State strongly encourages all members of the community to stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations, including booster doses. 在大学公园,学生可与大学保健处预约 通过myUHS to receive the Moderna bivalent booster. 大学公园 students who need their primary vaccines series, students at Commonwealth Campuses and faculty and staff should visit 疫苗.政府 to find a vaccine provider.

bck体育官网继续要求学生与大学保健处分享他们最新的COVID-19疫苗bck体育官网. Students at 大学公园, Commonwealth Campuses, and Dickinson Law can upload their vaccination records 通过myUHS. 除了法律要求外,该大学不再收集有关教职员工接种疫苗状况的数据.


在大学公园, 学生可以通过以下方式预约医疗服务提供者进行COVID-19测试 myUHS. 除了, 学生可在正常办公时间到大学保健处或应要求到大学公园宿舍楼公共服务台进行上门快速测试. At Commonwealth Campuses, 学生应向校园健康中心或学生事务处咨询口罩和测试的可用性.



屏蔽 is no longer required in most areas on campus, with some exceptions. 除了 to these areas, which will be marked with signage, and masking when sick or after testing positive for COVID-19, 该大学鼓励任何想在校园里戴口罩的人都可以自由选择.


5月11日,全国突发公共卫生事件解除后,许多要求医疗保险提供商全额支付COVID-19治疗和预防费用的规定也终止了. 有关此更改如何影响bck体育官网海马克蓝盾健康计划的bck体育官网,请访问 网上找到. 有其他健康保险计划的个人应该联系他们的供应商,了解他们的具体保险范围.


Penn State researchers will continue to analyze wastewater 在大学公园校园内及附近监测废水中可检测到的SARS-CoV2病毒数量的变化, which can serve as an early warning that COVID-19 is spreading in the community. Their data can be viewed on the 宾西法尼亚 Wastewater Surveillance System website.


通过活动和公共卫生指导,现在确定了个人健康预防措施, 该大学已经关闭了其提供疫情bck体育官网的主要网站, virusinfo.事业单位.edu. Members of the university community should instead refer to the 疾病预防控制中心网站 for the latest information on the pandemic and prevention.

Additional information on COVID-19 is available on the UHS网站.

大学将继续与社会分享任何变化或发展 宾州州立大学新闻 and in Penn State Today.